#questionsfortrumpdefenders fugelsang - Twitter-søgning
"Under patrulje i Slagelse mandag eftermiddag havde to politibetjente kontakt med fire unge mænd i alderen 15-19,...
"Under patrulje i Slagelse mandag eftermiddag havde to politibetjente kontakt med fire unge mænd i alderen 15-19, som sad ved pavillonen i lystanlægget på Parkvej i Slagelse. Der var ikke noget mistænkeligt på færde, og da politiet fandt en æske med en smule hash i på stedet, var der ikke nogen af dem, der kendte noget til det ulovlige stof. Herefter fortsatte politipatruljen sin færd i det gode vejr."
Biler og knive tilsyneladende farligere end hash.
Skal høres før man tror på det
Skal høres før man tror på det
Intellektuelle rockstjerner
Intellektuelle rockstjerner
Whenever I can I head into the villages of China to get a look on what is real in the world.
Originally shared by Kevin Kelly
Whenever I can I head into the villages of China to get a look on what is real in the world. Even the remotest parts of the world are modernizing rapidly, and the old vanishing. Here is my portrait of what is vanishing in China.
Every time I would call someone racist or sexist, I would get a rush.
Every time I would call someone racist or sexist, I would get a rush. That rush would then be reaffirmed and sustained by the stars, hearts, and thumbs-up that constitute the nickels and dimes of social media validation.
Definitionen på salgstalent: at sælge en brugt pornoplakat til 950.000 kroner
Definitionen på salgstalent: at sælge en brugt pornoplakat til 950.000 kroner
Dagens gør-det-selv-projekt
Dagens gør-det-selv-projekt ⟲
Vi må ikke glemme Hr. Kastrups spidse pen
Vi må ikke glemme Hr. Kastrups spidse pen ⟲
Nok en interessant historie til lænestols-detektiverne, -psykologerne og -sociologerne.
Nok en interessant historie til lænestols-detektiverne, -psykologerne og -sociologerne.
"I will never understand how they were able to do what they did; how they thought that, for example, my having made a joke to a male friend on Facebook about a Captain Haddock costume made it more likely that I was a rapist. These people were not victimized by me. They have gone on to publish books, receive grants, get jobs, and win major literary awards. If they have wounds, their wounds are self-inflicted.
My entire life appears to have been reframed. Writers who never took a class from me have been claiming on Twitter that I was a terrible teacher who didn’t help them. People who have never interacted with me have said I treated them badly. It has been suggested I am somehow homophobic. My race has been attacked after, in response to an allegation that I was a white supremacist, it was revealed on Twitter that I have some Indigenous ancestry. (Like many adopted people, I’m not sure of my entire or precise racial makeup or biological family history, and have never commented publicly on it.) It is difficult to describe how fundamentally disorienting it is to have your life, your words, everything about you suddenly and vehemently re-ordered and re-categorized to fit a prevailing false narrative. It makes you doubt yourself, through to your core. Even though I knew that what people were saying wasn’t true, it began to feel true."
Nogle arbejder faktisk for at få mindre dagslys i eget og andres liv.
Nogle arbejder faktisk for at få mindre dagslys i eget og andres liv. Jeg gad godt vide hvilke andre politiske holdninger, der klumper sig sammen i disse individer.
Men vi der klumper modsat kan da fortælle EU at vi stadig gerne vil have lyse morgener og aftener.
Bergmans film har ofte mange kvaliteter.
Bergmans film har ofte mange kvaliteter. Men jeg tror ikke, at jeg kender en eneste der ville samle en af hans film op hvis den lå på vejen. Og da slet ikke nogen, der rent faktisk ville se en.
Det er filmverdenens svar på grøntsager og fysisk træning. ⟲
De troendes behersker skriver altid så perfekt..
De troendes behersker skriver altid så perfekt.. ⟲
Til de, der gerne vil lære det der fascisme lidt nærmere at kende.
Til de, der gerne vil lære det der fascisme lidt nærmere at kende.
Jeg omtaler nogle af jer som "5 kloge mænd". Det står jeg ved.
Jeg omtaler nogle af jer som "5 kloge mænd". Det står jeg ved.
"Note that the writers provide no documentation whatsoever to indicate that these allegations are true: no...
"Note that the writers provide no documentation whatsoever to indicate that these allegations are true: no quotation, no sourcing, no evidence whatsoever that any of the denouncers are familiar in the least with anything I have actually said or done. "
Dr. Peterson er igen en præcis læser af mennesker/tekster. ⟲
"You’re about to appear at the busiest music venue in the world; your event is billed in the O2’s calendar between...
"You’re about to appear at the busiest music venue in the world; your event is billed in the O2’s calendar between Justin Timberlake and Iron Maiden. There has never been a neuroscientist, a clinical psychologist, and an associate editor filling an arena of this kind. Is this a special moment for you personally? Is there something culturally significant taking place for this to happen?
It’s interesting. I have never been to the O2, so I don’t actually know what I’m walking into, but I will resist doing an Iron Maiden impersonation.
But yes, it’s something that several of us have been experiencing. I have been experiencing it on my own, just touring the US (as has Jordan) doing venues that are explicitly rock star venues, or where very big comedians do their shows. It is interesting. There is clearly a new format for public conversation that has been found, and we have all just kind of stumbled into it. There was really no model for it that I was aware of a couple years ago. We just started doing it, testing the waters. But there seems to be the appetite for it.
What has been driving that astronomical surge in demand for speakers such as yourself, Peterson, and Murray?
I think live events are unique in that they are in the real world and they are instances of real scarcity. In the case where you’re either in the room or you’re not, and there is no video alternative, it is an occasion of real scarcity unlike anything that seems to exist now. Everything else that exists is basically being digitised and you can get it whenever and wherever you want it, usually for free. And in some ways that’s even happening to books. Insofar as it’s becoming harder and a rarer thing to even read books, people are opting to just listen to someone’s TED talk, or listen to their interviews on YouTube, or listen to a podcast, and there are very few things where it’s just the tangible moment is only available at a specific place and at a specific time. And I think there is a kind of hunger for that because everything else we’re consuming, we’re consuming in a kind of isolation and we’re all just getting siloed with our smartphones and I think there’s a hunger for people to come together and all hear the same thing in the same place at the same time. There’s nothing but a live event to achieve that." ⟲
Vi har jo lige diskuteret hvem man kan nægte at sælge bryllupskage til.
Vi har jo lige diskuteret hvem man kan nægte at sælge bryllupskage til. Kan man også nægte at sælge ferierejser til 99% af jordens etniciteter? ⟲
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