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Og i afdelingen for "De er skøre, de romere":
Og i afdelingen for "De er skøre, de romere":
"The irony of a mob of mostly white "anti-racists" harassing a gay Asian-American journalist was lost on them. "Racist, sexist, anti-gay; far-right bigot go away!" they repeated like a mantra."
https://www.dailywire.com/news/39089/antifa-went-protest-fascists-they-targeted-wrong-andy-ngo ⟲
"Nazi go home! Nazi go home!" a woman led a crowd into chanting at me as I was cornered against a barrier. A line of police officers stood watching a few feet away. Aiming a bullhorn at my face, the woman continued screaming while others pushed me.
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resistancehole.clickhole.com - ResistanceHole - When They Go Low, We Go Viral ⟲
patriothole.clickhole.com - PatriotHole ⟲
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