Vi kender greenwashing ⟲ og pinkwashing ⟲. Nu kommer sportswashing ⟲:
In fact, sportswashing is using oil money to turn around a club threatened by relegation so that people come to associate your country’s name with footballing success rather than, say, the bonesaw murder of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
Anyone surprised that Britain welcomes such shady money hasn’t been paying attention. Just take a walk around Mayfair or Kensington. London today overflows with wealth managers, libel lawyers, estate agents, public relations advisers, luxury-goods sellers, public-school headmasters and art dealers, some of whom make their living servicing rich criminals.
Newcastle sale to Saudi Arabia is the latest sign of a national malaise ⟲
Samtidig er det utroligt så rige folk i fattige lande kan blive ⟲.
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