Samfundets fjende nummmer 1
Public Enemy no. 1 - 1. del (stream/optag) ⟲ (7,5 IMDB) ⟲.
Public Enemy no. 1 - 2. del (stream/optag) ⟲ (7,5 IMDB) ⟲.
Nok en film om en gangsters storhed (for små værdier af storhed) og fald.
Menuen står på det sædvanlige:
Contains very brutal violence. People are getting shot, tortured and killed. In most of the scenes there is a lot of blood, sometimes during torturing people there is full frontal nudity and violence throughout.
- Strong violence including bloody shoot-outs and brutal beatings.
- A woman is hit and kicked around by a man then a gun is put in her mouth until her child see's.
- A man is executed by being shot to death in occupied Algeria.
- Two men are shot in the head with much blood splatter.
- During a prison escape, many guards and inmates are shot during a gun battle with bloody results.
- A man punches another man through the glass he is drinking out of, shattering the glass into the man's face.
- We see a woman's bruised & swollen face after she is beaten senseless by a man.
- A man is beaten to a pulp, stabbed multiple times and then buried while still alive.
The actors sometimes smoke and drink during the movie.
Graphic sex scene in which breasts and a lot of movement is show. This lasts for around 30 seconds.
A man walks into a strip/cabaret type club, you see a woman dancing in a thong and with bare breasts bar nipple tassles.
Men på fransk.
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