When I was a younger man, I recall having friendships full of things known as honest differences of opinion.

Steven 🌞 Snedkers billede
Af Steven 🌞 Snedker den 3. juli 2018 - 6:48 [0]

Originally shared by Eli Fennell

When I was a younger man, I recall having friendships full of things known as honest differences of opinion. In the main, this wasn't a problem, as we engaged instead in something called a stream of conversation. We didn't sit in isolation creating formal presentations of all of our opinions, which we then distributed to them whether they liked it or not. We also generally ate our meals without needing each other to validate its tasteiness.

I realize nostalgia makes everything look more rosy, but I feel quite confident things once worked this way, and not that long ago. We called it friendship, which basically meant we knew you well enough to at least forgive if not understand our differences. Then again, we had no Block button, and our friendship algorithms were stored in our brains, and not in Silicon Valley.

There were good things about those days.

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