China is the world’s biggest polluter and more than tripled its coal burning from 2000 to 2013, emitting billions of...

Steven 🌞 Snedkers billede
Af Steven 🌞 Snedker den 26. juli 2016 - 7:08 [1]

China is the world’s biggest polluter and more than tripled its coal burning from 2000 to 2013, emitting billions of tonnes of climate-warming carbon dioxide. But its coal consumption peaked in 2014, much earlier than expected, and then began falling.

The economists argue in a new paper on Monday that this can now be seen as permanent trend, not a blip, due to major shifts in the Chinese economy and a crackdown on pollution.


          Christian Brix
        s billede

Men egentlig skulle man vel være meget mere efter USA end Kina, da USA vel stadig er den mest forurenende pr. indbygger..?

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