Ultrapersonligt it- og kulturstof for noble fritænkere
The 4D approach”: “Dismiss, distort, distract, dismay. Never confess, never admit—just keep on attacking.”
The 4D approach”: “Dismiss, distort, distract, dismay. Never confess, never admit—just keep on attacking.”
“The single most prevalent Russian response is to attack the critic,” he says. “They use a ‘vilify and amplify’ technique.” Critics are besmirched, sometimes in an official announcement, sometimes through proxies, sometimes through anonymous sources quoted in state media; then paid trolls and highly automated networks of bots add scale.
https://www.technologyreview.com/s/604084/russian-disinformation-technology/ ⟲
Russia?s reinvention of war exploits old techniques
for a new century. Open-source citizen investigators are fighting back.
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"The Kremlin’s fog machine went into overdrive. The full panoply of Russian state media, troll farms, semi-automated botnets, and what Russian novelist Nikolai Leskov called “useful fools and silly enthusiasts” began their murky work. The Russian government’s response to the shooting down of MH17 was a charade, wrapped in a travesty, inside a miasma: a relentless campaign of abuse and deceit, trying to entangle every fact of the matter in a net of disinformation. Numerous attempts were made to hack the Dutch Safety Board. Several Bellingcats experienced spear-phishing attacks. Other targets included French and U.K. TV channels, NATO, OSCE, and the Polish, Dutch, Finnish, and Norwegian governments, as well as German political parties."
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