Operation Fortune: Ruse de Guerre (2023)

Niels Søndergaards billede
©/Af Niels Søndergaard den 3. april 2023 - 11:25 [0]
3½ out of 5 Ukrainian mobsters🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦
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Set den: 
3. apr 2023
3. mar 2023
114 min

Guy Ritchie's latest spy comedy introduces us to a group of freelance agents, including Brit Orson Fortune (Jason Statham) and American Sarah Fidel (Aubrey Plaza), who, aided by Hollywood star Danny Francisco (Josh Hartnell), are tasked with infiltrating an international network run by arms dealer Greg Simmonds (Hugh Grant). Simmonds is in the process of selling a new and dangerous computer technology to a group of international criminals, complicated by the fact that another group of freelance agents are on the same mission and doing everything they can to prevent their competitors from getting there first. For this reason, the group, led by Nathan Jasmine (Cary Elwes), faces numerous obstacles along the way until they (of course) manage to save the world.

Although the plot is straightforward, the story, co-written by Ritchie, is quite entertaining. But it's also hard to follow in places, as both the dialog and action unfold at kaleidoscopic lightning speed. But with few exceptions, Ritchie has dropped his insufferable slow-motion and flashback mannerisms, and the ensemble cast is also very well put together. This is the fifth time the director has used Statham, and he should definitely keep doing so. The sullen, silent and hard-hitting Statham contrasts nicely with the charming and sarcastic Aubrey Plaza, and I think and hope that this is just the first part of a franchise (as the colon in the title suggests) and that we can expect more movies with the same team. Did I forget to mention the third member of the group, JJ (Bugzy Malone)? Yes, I think I did, but he's not very prominent and can easily be replaced. But let's see more of the great chemistry between Statham and Plaza, please. 

Hartnett, Grant and Elwes are also top notch, and it's clearly the actors that keep Ritchie's offbeat delivery going. Not that there's anything wrong with the cinematography, editing and production design, but a heavy train requires a strong locomotive, and Statham, Plaza, Elwes, Grant and Hartnell deliver.


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