Ultrapersonligt it- og kulturstof for noble fritænkere
John Cleese, integritet
"Forty years ago Cleese’s opponents actually wore clerical frocks. Today, they might as well. Forty years ago they talked of “heresy” and “blasphemy”. Today, they talk about “diversity” and its “celebration”. They are the same breed, these opponents. Always scolding. Always unamusing. Always hypocritical. What a glorious sight it is to see that while the clerical class has entirely changed over the last 40 years, John Cleese has not."
Langtrukken artikel med fin konklusion
One by one the herd picks people out and attempts to trample them. Not content with stampeding over people for fresh crimes, it takes to the internet to sweep the past for misdemeanors. It can now trample over people not only for new crimes of expression but for...
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