Vi behøver hinanden/Meet John Doe (stream/optag) (7,7 IMDB). Fake news. Spirende fascisme. Udbredt korruption. Verden var heller ikke helt let at omgås i 1941. Og de bedste redningsmænd var som altid i Frank Capras film og virkeligheden kristne socialdemokrater.
Meet John Doe er på højde med Capras andre film fra perioden - Arsenik og gamle kniplinger, Det hændte en nat, Det er herligt at leve - folkekomedier med et ætsende blik på korruption og løgn og en stor hyldest til den lille, ærlige mand.
Der er ingen grund til at gå nærmere ind på handlingen.
Talerne i filmen giver en fin idé om ideen med filmen.
"They've started a lot of talk about free people goin' soft, that we can't take it. That's a lot of hooey! A free people can beat the world at anything, from war to tiddlywinks, if we all pull in the same direction. [Applause] I know a lot of you are saying, 'What can I do? I'm just a little punk. I don't count.' Well, you're dead wrong. The little punks have always counted because in the long run, the character of a country is the sum total of the character of its little punks." (og her er matematikken bag)
Filmhistorikeren Richard Griffith kalder Capras film fantasies of goodwill: "In Capra’s stories a messianic innocent, not unlike the classic simpletons of literature, pits himself against the forces of entrenched greed. His experience defeats him strategically, but his gallant integrity in the face of temptation calls forth the good-will of the ‘little people,’ and through their combined protest, he triumphs.”
Når du har set filmen, kan du glæde dig over fine artikler som Cinaste: Meet John Doe, Meet John Does tilblivelse, Meet John Doe forudså Trump og Capras katolske vision.