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Hvad tænker du om Outlet i Elgiganten? jeg har set nogle vildt billige priser i Elgiganten på bærbare gamer pc'er. Her er bla nogle af dem du har anbefalet. Kan jeg være tryg ved at købe de brugte/demo modeller i Elgiganten? her er nogle af dem jeg har set på:
På forhånd tak
Charlotte -
Men angående DIY, så kunne jeg godt finde på at bruge nedenstående fantastiske forstærker (prisen taget i betragtning) sammen med vores eksisterende højttalere. De er nemlig helt okay. ⟲
Mere info om forstærkeren: ⟲
"Recently Scott Parker, author of the Recordings of Frank Zappa series, introduced me to Janet Morrison, Van’s ex-wife. She emailed me and said of their time in Woodstock, “Van had just finished Astral Weeks and although we had high hopes, there was no telling how well the album would be received. Woodstock, for us, was a bewitching sylvan paradise after NYC. We loved everything about the place. The locals became our friends. We bought an old car to navigate, haphazardly, in the deepest snows. In the spring, when the snow finally melted, we drank pink bubbly wine by the flowing stream close to town and sang our hearts out for the pure romantic joy of it all. It was good. We acquired cats. I gave birth in due time to my endearingly adored daughter Shana Caledonia. Woodstock healed us and made us quite sure that magic was afoot. As it turned out, we were correct.” ⟲
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